Sleep Apnea in Cartersville

At DownEast Smile Co., Dr. Merandi specializes in treating sleep apnea using oral appliances, offering an effective alternative to CPAP machines. With regular use and follow-up care, many patients experience significant improvement in sleep quality and overall health.

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Why Should I Get Sleep Apnea Treatment?

Treating sleep apnea is crucial for both your short-term well-being and long-term health. Untreated sleep apnea can lead to daytime fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating, impacting your work performance and quality of life. More importantly, it poses serious health risks. Sleep apnea is linked to increased chances of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. It can also exacerbate existing health conditions and contribute to weight gain. By seeking treatment, you're not just improving your sleep; you're taking a proactive step in protecting your overall health.

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Did you know…

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Sleep apnea affects up to 30% of adults, with many cases remaining undiagnosed.

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The Benefits Of Sleep Apnea Treatment

Improved Sleep Quality

Treating sleep apnea leads to a dramatic improvement in sleep quality. Without the constant interruptions caused by breathing pauses, you'll experience deeper, more restorative sleep. This means waking up feeling refreshed and energized, rather than groggy and exhausted.

Reduced Health Risks

By keeping your airway open and ensuring proper oxygenation throughout the night, sleep apnea treatment helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels, reduces strain on your heart, and promotes better blood sugar control. This proactive approach to your health can add years to your life and improve your overall quality of life.

More Daytime Energy

Treating sleep apnea can lead to a remarkable improvement in your daytime performance and overall quality of life. With better sleep comes increased alertness, improved concentration, and enhanced cognitive function. You'll likely find that you're more productive at work, better able to focus on tasks, and less prone to making mistakes.

The Sleep Apnea Treatment Process

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Comprehensive Evaluation

Your journey to better sleep begins with a thorough evaluation by Dr. Merandi. During this initial consultation, she'll review your medical history, discuss your symptoms, and may perform a physical examination of your mouth, throat, and jaw. Dr. Merandi will also ask about your sleep habits and any issues you've been experiencing. If necessary, she may recommend a sleep study to confirm the diagnosis and determine the severity of your sleep apnea. This comprehensive approach ensures that Dr. Merandi has all the information needed to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

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Custom Oral Appliance Design

Once Dr. Merandi has a clear understanding of your sleep apnea condition, she'll proceed with designing your custom oral appliance. This process involves taking detailed impressions or digital scans of your teeth and jaw. These measurements are used to create a device that fits perfectly in your mouth, ensuring both comfort and effectiveness. Dr. Merandi will carefully select the type of appliance best suited for your specific case, considering factors such as the severity of your sleep apnea, your jaw structure, and any dental work you may have. The goal is to create an appliance that effectively repositions your jaw and tongue to keep your airway open during sleep.

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Fitting and Adjustment

When your custom oral appliance is ready, you'll return to Dr. Merandi's office for a fitting session. During this appointment, she'll carefully place the device in your mouth, checking for proper fit and comfort. Dr. Merandi will make any necessary adjustments to ensure the appliance feels natural and doesn't cause any discomfort. She'll also provide detailed instructions on how to use and care for your device, including cleaning procedures and storage recommendations. You'll learn how to insert and remove the appliance properly, and Dr. Merandi will address any questions or concerns you may have about using it.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Oral Appliance Therapy, or OAT for short, uses a special mouthguard. This mouthguard changes the position of your jaw when you sleep, which prevents oral tissue from sagging into your airway. This means that your breathing won’t be interrupted at night. OAT is ideal for patients with minor-to-moderate apnea.

Your sleep specialist and your dentist may make some lifestyle recommendations to help with sleep apnea. These may include quitting smoking, exercising, losing weight, avoiding drugs and alcohol (especially before bed), and sleeping on your side, rather than on your back or your stomach.